Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ahhh! Real Monsters!

Hmmm....something told me to create this blog and I don't know why. But I did. So I guess I'm supposed to talk about stuff. D'okay. Why the flip not?

So there's this interesting little fellow, he is three years in the making. Dude we hunted monsters until the break of dawn. I swear I was almost possessed into becoming one myself. But the light always is the cure for beastly possession. And I thought those things didn't exist. But trust me, 3 year olds know how to hunt some serious game. If anybody is actually reading this, then you just LOST THE GAME. But don't worry my friend, its off 4chan so it doesn't exist anymore. Its far gone too a new low. 4chan is the crap of the interwebs. Anything taken off 4chan is worse...How bad could it be? Much worse, too retarded to even have a soul. Seriously though, going to 4chan is like crawling in someone's [rotten tomato soup].

A friend of mine, her blog being here (Click me), told me that she tends to curse too much. How do we prevent ourselves from saying words we shouldn't say? Censorship. Replace cuss words with something more amusing. I can't guarantee you will do this when you are truly mad but its worth a shot.

Examples of censorship:
-What the firetruck, witch? Go to the kitchen and cook your spaghetti. (credit goes to pure randomness)
-DARN YOU! DARN YOU ALL TO HECK! (credit goes to Madagascar)

-What the steve? How did you two steveing steves-? STEVE!!! (credit goes to Boondock Saints)
-"Son of a gum chewing funk monster! Why the fruit did all this funny stuff happen to me? Forget my life! Always surrounded by miserable failing clods! Like this whole world just likes to bend me over and
find me in the Alps, like I'm some sort of shluck receptacle. Well as far as I care, these miserable cows can have a fancy BBQ, with a god dang pig!" (credit goes to TeamFourStar)

Have a nice day and God Bless! (no copyright infringement intended for above references)

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